Thursday, March 5, 2015

Review: Sanctum by Sarah Fine

Sanctum: Guards of the Shadowlands
By: Sarah Fine

Synopsis From Goodreads:

“My plan: Get into the city. Get Nadia. Find a way out. Simple.”

A week ago, seventeen-year-old Lela Santos’s best friend, Nadia, killed herself. Today, thanks to a farewell ritual gone awry, Lela is standing in paradise, looking upon a vast gated city in the distance—hell. No one willingly walks through the Suicide Gates, into a place smothered in darkness and infested with depraved creatures. But Lela isn’t just anyone—she’s determined to save her best friend’s soul, even if it means sacrificing her eternal afterlife. 

As Lela struggles to find Nadia, she’s captured by the Guards, enormous, not-quite-human creatures that patrol the dark city’s endless streets. Their all-too-human leader, Malachi, is unlike them in every way except one: his deadly efficiency. When he meets Lela, Malachi forms his own plan: get her out of the city, even if it means she must leave Nadia behind. Malachi knows something Lela doesn’t—the dark city isn’t the worst place Lela could end up, and he will stop at nothing to keep her from that fate.

My Review

Oh My Goodness.....this book was absolutely amazing! I loved every second of it. I had the hardest time putting it down to go to work. :D It drew me in from page one. Sarah Fine is an amazing author and describes this Shadow-world excellantly, I actually felt like I was there with Lela and Malachi. Oh....Malachi....I couldn't get enough of him. ;)

I really enjoyed Sarah Fine's world-building, it was easy to picture this Shadowland that Lela winds up in after she dies and the Mazikian that are trying wreak havoc throughout the city. Some of them were "creepy." The people in this world had commit suicide and therefore are sent into this Shadowland in order to find a way to overcome there misery (if they can or want to).

"...some people found the sickness easier than the cure."

I love reading books with strong female characters, so that made the book that much better for me. Lela was such a strong person before she ended up in the Shadowland and she only got stronger when she gave up an afterlife in a beautiful Countryside to save her friend in the Shadowland. Her whole motive for entering the Sahdowland was to save her friend, she never expected to meet a Guard like Malachi.

"Are you telling me you arrived in the Countryside and chose to come into the city? To rescue your friend?" He sounded completely baffled.
I clenched my teeth. "I have to find her. It's the only reason I'm here."

Malachi has to be one of my favorite male characters since Daemon from the Lux sereis. For a tough Guard Captian he was so sweet to Lela and willing to help her with a mission he knew was most likely impossible.

I can't wait to read the second book. I am going to have to go out and buy it. I don't think I can wait to see if I can find it at the local flea market. I loved this book so much. I will definitely be recommending this book to everyone I know, it was that good. :D

Published by: K

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