Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Characters I'd Follow on Social Media

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Each Tuesday Jana assigns a new topic...create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic - putting your own spin on it if you want. 


As major bookworms we fall in love with characters everyday...characters that touch a part of us whether it be their witty-charm, sarcastic personality or because they remind us of ourselves. Personally when I can connect with a character it makes reading all the more enjoyable, it makes that book stand out among the several others lining my shelves. Developing a good character can be the end-all-be-all for some books. 

But then the time comes when the book ends and you have to say goodbye to that character. Have you ever wondered what it might be like if they were real? These characters you have come to love and respect. If they had social media, would you be following?

Top Ten Characters I'd Follow on Social Media

Katy Swartz 
The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"Daemon: I checked out your blog.
Katy: Stalking me again, I see. Do I need to get a restraining order?
Daemon: In your dreams, Kitten. Oh wait, I'm already starring in those, aren't I? 
Katy: Nightmares, Daemon. Nightmares."

Wicked Trilogy by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"Tink appeared in the open door again, his wings rapidly moving, and in his hands he held a...slingshot? Oh sweet baby Jesus take the wheel. Where did he get a slingshot? Off of Amazon? That didn't matter. The brownie had taken the time to paint his face. One half was read, the other blue. He looked like he wandered off the set of Braveheart."

Deacon St. Delphi
The Covenant Series & The Titans Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"'Did you need something?'
Seth's attention shifted back to me. 'Do I need something to walk over here?'
My fingers curled inward. 'Yeah, I think you do.'
'I missed them together,' Deacon said...'They're so warm and fuzzy, don't you think? So cute'"

Splintered Trilogy by A.G. Howard

"'Of all the times you've undressed me in my fantasies, I never remember feeling this...unfilled.'
'Please, Morpheus,' I beg upon hearing Jeb stir in the background.
'Ah, but those delectable words,' Morpheus says with a provocative smirk, 'those are always in the fantasy.'
I glare at him. 'You're unbelievable.'
'And that sentiment is reserved for the end.'"

Magnus Bane
Shadowhunters Series by Cassandra Clare

"Magnus, standing by the door, snapped his fingers impatiently. 'Move it along, teenagers. The only person who gets to canoodle in my bedroom is my magnificent self.'
'Cannodle?' repeated Clary, never having hear the word before.
'Magnificent?' repeated Jace, who was just being nasty. Magnus growled. The growl sounded like 'Get out.'"

Seth Diodoros
The Titans Series & The Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"'Really?' she said dryly, eyeing me with a smirk. 'You're going to fight with the awesomeness of your six-pack as a weapon?'
I arched a brow. 'Yeah, you know, I was going to test out the whole abs of steel theory thing. The gun attached to my thigh and the daggers in my hands are just props. Mainly for show. Don't want to take away from the gloriousness that is my body, though.'"

Josie Bethel
The Titans Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"Six-pack? Was it possible to have an eight-pack? I think he had one. Smooth skin stretched over tightly rolled muscles. I bet I could've done a weeks worth of laundry on his stomach. Probably would be a heck of a lot more fun that way to wash clothes."

Alex Andros
The Covenant Series & The Titans Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"We had no idea what waited ahead of us, other than the big, fat unknown, and most likely a big, fat kick in the face. The gravity of that was killing me-killing us.
I squared my shoulders, 'Release the Kraken!'
Several sets of eyes settled on me. 
'What?' I gave a lopsided shrug. 'I've always wanted to yell that since I saw that movie. Seemed like the perfect moment.'"

The Origin Trilogy by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"'You tried to kidnap me, Luc.'
'Hmm,' he murmured. 'That means I like you.'
I arched a brow. 'Okay. That's messed up on about a thousand different levels.'
'Probably, I don't people well.'"

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor

"And Brimstone, of course - he was the star of the sketchbooks. Here he was shown with Kishmish perched on the curl of one his great ram's horns. In the fantastical stories Karou told in her sketchbooks, Brimstone dealt in wishes. Sometimes she called him the Wishmonger; other times, simply, 'the grump.'"


As I'm sure you can tell I am a huge Jennifer L. Armentrout fan and I love just about every character she writes. Over half of the characters I would following are from her books...these are characters that have always spoken to me. Characters I would definitely want to stalk on social media! :)

Who would you follow?

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