Thursday, March 12, 2020

Down the TBR Hole: 3.12.20

Down the TBR Hole is a meme created by Lia at Lost in a Story where we decide whether to keep or remove books on our TBR.
The rules for Down the TBR Hole:
  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Down the TBR Hole has quickly become one of my favorite weekly memes. I love going back and discovering old books I had forgotten in my TBR...while clearing out my list of books that no longer pique my interest. 

Prophecy Girl
By Cecily White

Date Added: May 28th, 2013

I was born to slay Crossworld demons. 

Big black flappy ones, little green squirmy ones. Unfortunately, the only thing getting slain these days is my social life. With my high school under attack, combat classes intensifying, and Academy instructors dropping right and left, I can barely get my homework done, let alone score a bondmate before prom.

Then he shows up. 

Jackson Smith-Hailey. Unspeakably hot, hopelessly unattainable, and dangerous in all the right ways. Sure, he’s my trainer. And okay, maybe he hates me. Doesn’t mean I’ll ignore the wicked Guardian chemistry between us. It’s crazy! Every time I’m with him, my powers explode. Awesome, right? 


Now my teachers think I’m the murderous Graymason destined to bring down our whole race of angelbloods. Everyone in New Orleans is hunting me. The people I trusted want me dead. Jack and I have five days to solve the murders, prevent a vampire uprising, and thwart the pesky prophecy foretelling his death by my hand. Shouldn’t be too difficult. 

Getting it done without falling in love? That might take a miracle.

***Years ago this premise piqued my interest, I was very into the supernatural genre and went crazy adding just about every supernatural themed book to my TBR. However over the years I have found that my taste in books has changed and I have become more selective of the paranormal books I choose.***

Verdict: Kick off

The Temptation
By Alisa Valdes

Date Added: May 28th, 2013

His touch was electric. 
His eyes were magnetic. 
His lips were a temptation.... 
But was he real? 

After crashing her car on an empty highway, Shane is miraculously saved by Travis, a mysterious cowboy who walks out of nowhere. She is instantly attracted to him, and for the first time, she believes in “soul mates.” But Shane soon discovers that Travis is dead and that strict rules from the Underworld govern kindred spirits of different dimensions. Breaking these rules could destroy both their souls. And while Travis is almost impossible to resist, temptation proves to be the kindest enemy they encounter. 

Can true love surpass the power of pure evil? Part love story, part supernatural thriller, this first book in the Kindred trilogy will leave readers lusting for more!

***Here is yet another book added during my paranormal/supernatural obsession. At the time the premise sounded unique, different from the many books I had read in the past.***

Verdict: Kick off

By J & L. Wells

Date Added: May 29th, 2013

Heather Richardson is a seventeen-year-old British girl whose life quickly becomes an emotional roller coaster when she meets Ruben Brown, a controlling twenty-four-year-old man who works for her father at Freesdon Manor. As much as Heather wants to love Ruben, the cracks in their relationship begin to show as her eighteenth birthday draws nigh.

In a surprising turn of events Heather is confronted by Frank, an intriguing man from a past that dates back to the nineteenth century. His untimely presence changes everything.

When she’s thrown back in time by an unrelenting force, Heather realizes that her life is not what it appears to be. Her future has already been written, and it seems she cannot escape her fate, a fate determined by a love lost long ago. In her struggle to find herself, Heather must choose her destiny amidst a dangerous love triangle, vengeful lovers, and passions controlled by the hands of time.

***I am still on the fence with this book, a part of me says it is time for it to go whereas my other half still finds the premise interesting.***

Verdict: Keep it

By Lisa T. Bergren

Date Added: May 29th, 2013

What do you do when your knight in shining armor lives, literally, in a different world?

Most American teenagers want a vacation in Italy, but the Betarrini sisters have spent every summer of their lives among the romantic hills with their archaelogist parents. Stuck among the rubble of the medieval castles in rural Tuscany, on yet another hot, dusty archaeological site, Gabi and Lia are bored out of their minds...until Gabi places her hand atop a handprint in an ancient tomb and finds herself in fourteenth-century Italy. And worse yet, in the middle of a fierce battle between knights of two opposing forces.

Suddenly Gabi's summer in Italy is much, much more interesting.

***I haven't read many books centered-around time travel, but this books premise still sounds intriguing. Now it can move to the top of my TBR pile.***

Verdict: Keep it

By Elizabeth Chandler

Date Added: 

It’s been a year since Ivy’s boyfriend, Tristan, died. They’ve both moved on—Tristan to the other side of the afterlife, and Ivy to sweet, dependable Will. Now Ivy’s heading to Cape Cod, hoping to leave the horror of last summer behind. She wants nothing more than to lie on the beach, sip lemonade, and hang out with her friends.

But then a car crash ends Ivy’s life.

As she floats to the beyond, looking down on the life she’s left behind, Tristan breathes life back into her with a passionate kiss. She wakes up in the hospital, surrounded by Will and her family, but all she can think about is the love that she lost.

But memories aren’t all that’s come back from the past. And this time, Ivy’s not sure love will be enough to save her.

***I am a bit skeptical of this book and it is only because the first 3 were so good, ending on a perfect note. I am afraid it will tarnish my view of the other books, so I have put off reading it for a very long time, but I think it is finally time to delve back into the world of Tristan and Ivy.***

Verdict: Keep it

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